Title: A Moment to Remember / Eraser in my Head / 내 머리 속의 지우개
Genre: Drama, Romance
Category: Korean Movie
Film Date: 2004
Son Ye-jin as Su-jin
Jung Woo-sung as Cheol-su
Baek Jong-hak as Seo Yeong-min
Synopsis: (source: wikipedia)
The first segment of the film, staged in romantic comedy style, introduces the protagonists, a woman named Su Jin and a man named Chul Soo. The movie highlights their accidental meeting in a convenience store and confusion over a can of soda, followed by their subsequent courting despite the social standings that should have kept them apart.
The second segment follows the couple now settling into married life. Su-Jin learns to be a housewife as her husband cares for her. But as the segment progresses, Su-jin begins to display forgetfulness, including an incident in which a fire breaks out because of a forgotten stove. While Chul Soo caught the fire in time, the seriousness of the incident and others draw them to seek medical help.
The third segment involves the revelation of Alzheimer's disease and the couple's consequent response to it. Su Jin is heavily burdened by the knowledge that she will forget her husband and hides it from him at first until he seeks advice from the doctor himself. Despite the disease, they make the commitment to stay together and as the disease progresses, the trials the couple go through increase because of Su Jin's forgetfulness.
The fourth segment reveals Su-jin in the final stages of the disease and the grief Chul Soo experiences because of it. Yet he remains beside her, despite her lost memory, hiding his eyes behind sunglasses when he visits her so she can't see his tears.
The end of the movie finishes off with Chul Soo replaying the first time they met in the convenience store with all her friends and family in the store. In the final scene, Su-jin is riding beside her husband in the car in the sunset, and he can finally tell her, "I love you."
Watch it guys. It will surely make you cry. And share yout thoughts here! Comment! :)
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